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ECN publication
Experiment R285-08 (ILAS 8): activity calculations
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ECN report number: Document type:
ECN-I--98-022 Other
Number of pages: Full text:
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In the irradiation experiment ILAS 8 a number of different stainlesssteel types for advanced nuclear systems will be irradiated at a temperature of 300C up to a dpa (displacements per atom) level of 2.5 dpa. In this report the results of the activity calculations of the sample holder material and of four types of sample materials are presented. The activity of the holder material is calculated for the vertical average of the irradiation position. The activities of the sample materials are given for the vertical maximum of the irradiation position. A relation is given to convert these data to any vertical sample position. Also the changes in chemical composition of the different sample materials, due to nuclide transmutation are presented. 8 refs.

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