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Publications from author Jongh-Versteegh, G.C. de
Roekel, G.M. van; Jongh, J.A. de; Jongh-Versteegh, G.C. de; Bakker, L.;
Evaluation of the 11th international course on implementation of wind energy, ECN, April 8-18, 2001
ECN-C--02-071 EN augustus 2002; 40 pag.
Hulle, F.J.L. van; Jongh, J.A. de; Jongh-Versteegh, G.C. de; Bakker, L.;
Evaluation of the 10th international course on implementation of wind energy : ECN, April 2-13, 2001
ECN-C--01-088 EN september 2001; 46 pag.
Dekker, J.W.M.; Jongh, J.A. de; Jongh-Versteegh, G.C. de; Bakker, L.;
Evaluation of the 9th international course on implementation of wind energy, ECN, April 3-15, 2000
ECN-C--00-066 EN juli 2000; 41 pag.
Dekker, J.W.M.; Jongh, J.A. de; Jongh-Versteegh, G.C. de; Bakker, L.;
Evaluation of the 8th international course on implementation of wind energy, Petten, April 12-24, 1999
ECN-C--99-047 EN juni 1999; 59 pag.