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ECN publication
Evaluation of the 11th international course on implementation of wind energy, ECN, April 8-18, 2001
Published by: Publication date:
ECN Wind Energy 1-8-2002
ECN report number: Document type:
ECN-C--02-071 ECN publication
Number of pages: Full text:
40 Download PDF  

This report is an evaluation of the ?Eleventh International Course onthe Implementation of "Wind Energy" held from 8-18 April 2002 at the Energy research Centre of the Netherlands, ECN, in Petten, The Netherlands. This course was organised by ECN in cooperation with Arrakis and Buro Netwerk. Twenty participants attended the course from 12 different countries. The significant positive feedback received from this year?s participants was similar to that of previous years, demonstrating the ongoing value and the need of this course.

The viability of this annual course hinges mainly upon levels of financial sponsorship. General demand for this course by suitable candidates continues to outstrip financing by a factor of almost 3, however ECN and its partners continue to offer the course each year and search for creative ways to cover total course expenses. This year, the participant?s own company or institute paid the costs of 11 of the 20 participants. The following Dutch entities sponsored the other 9 participants: The ministry of Foreign Affairs, electricity companies REMU and Essent, the Dorgelo Foundation, and ECN itself. Vestas was the only foreign sponsor this year.

Sponsors and the level of sponsorship change each year depending on a variety of aspects: related wind energy projects, industry changes and competition, and changes in donor financing. The trends experienced in previous years continue, with demand for training at different levels and under a wider range of topics growing, while financing levels drop. In fact, ECN?s recent training needs survey (2002) showed that management and staff level training on wind energy implementation are in serious short supply, particularly in Asian countries, prompting ECN and its partners to engage European and Developing Country partners on additional training development efforts. ECN has been asked to duplicate its annual course overseas in 2003 in order to meet training needs for people who are working in wind energy in developing countries, and need up to date training at much lower cost levels. Assuming financing can be secured, two courses will be executed: one at ECN and one overseas.

On behalf of the participants, the course management expresses its sincere thanks to the institutes and companies named above for their generous sponsoring during 2002.

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