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Publications of type Article (scientific) in 2016.
Pascu, V.; Kanev, S.K.; Wingerden, J.W. van;
Adaptive tower damping control for offshore wind turbines
ECN-W--16-044 EN december 2016; 17 pag.
Published in: Wind Energy (John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.), 2016,, p.---.
Halma, S.M.L.; Ma, N; Cordell, R.; Kos, G.P.A.; Wiedensohle, A.; Monks, P.;
Lung deposited surface area in Leicester urban background sit/UK: Sources and contribution of new particle formation
ECN-W--16-042 EN december 2016; 14 pag.
Published in: Atmospheric Environment (Elsevier), 2016, Ed.151, p.94-107.
Delft, Y.C. van;
Ammoniak biedt sleutel tot duurzame toekomst
ECN-W--16-040 NL december 2016; 4 pag.
Published in: NPT Procestechnologie (), 2016, Ed.4, p.---.
Beccaceci, S; Brown, R J.C.; Butterfield, D.M.; Harris, P.M.; Otjes, R.P.; Hoek, C van; Makkonen, U; Catrambone, M; Patier, R.F.; Houtzager, M.M.G.; Putaud, J.P. ;
Standardisation of a European measurement method for the determination of anions and cations in PM2.5 : results of field trial campaign and determination of measurement uncertainty
ECN-W--16-038 EN november 2016; 13 pag.
Published in: Energy & Environmental Science (The Royal Society of Chemistry), 2016, Ed.Sci.: Processes Impacts, p.-.
Moncada, J; Vural-Gurse, l; Huijgen, W.J.J.; Ramírez, A;
Techno-economic and ex-ante environmental assessment of C6 sugars production from lignocellulosic biomass and corn. Comparison of organosolv and wet milling technologies.
ECN-W--16-036 EN november 2016; 15 pag.
Published in: Journal of Cleaner Production (Elsevier), 2018, Ed.170, p.610-624.
Bernardini, S.; Naerland, T.U.; Coletti, G.; Ding, L.; Blum, A.L.; Bertoni, M.L.;
Unraveling of bulk and surface behaviour in high quality c-Si material via TIDLS
ECN-W--16-047 EN november 2016; 5 pag.
Published in: IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics (IEEE), 2016, Ed., p.2863-2867.
Pathak, A.D.; Nedea, S; Zondag, H.A.; Rindt, C.C.M.; Smeulders, D;
A DFT-based comparative equilibrium study of thermal dehydration and hydrolysis of CaCl2 hydrates and MgCl2 hydrates for seasonal heat storage
ECN-W--16-034 EN november 2016; 11 pag.
Published in: Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics (The Royal Society of Chemistry), 2016, Ed.18, p.10059 -10069.
Pathak, A.D.; Nedea, S; Duin, A.C.T. van; Zondag, H.A.; Rindt, C.C.M.; Smeulders, D;
Reactive force field development for magnesium chloride hydrates and its application for seasonal heat storage
ECN-W--16-035 EN november 2016; 10 pag.
Published in: Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics (The Royal Society of Chemistry), 2016, Ed.18, p.15838-15847.
Gaeini, M; Zondag, H.A.; Rindt, C.C.M.;
Effect of kinetics on the thermal performance of a sorption heat storage reactor
ECN-W--16-032 EN november 2016; 12 pag.
Published in: Applied Thermal Engineering (Elsevier), 2016, Ed.102, p.520-531.
Lan, S; Zondag, H.A.; Steenhoven, A.A. van; Rindt, C.C.M.;
An experimentally validated numerical model of interface advance of the lithium sulfate monohydrate dehydration reaction
ECN-W--16-033 EN november 2016; 10 pag.
Published in: Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry (Springer US), 2016, Ed.Volume 124, Issue 2, p.1109-1118.
Keijzer, C de; Jong, M.M. de; Mendes, T; Katiyar, M; Folkerts, W.; Zondag, H.A.;
Evaluating the thermal and electrical performance of several uncovered PVT collectors with a field test
ECN-W--16-031 EN november 2016; 7 pag.
Published in: Energy Procedia (Elsevier), 2016, Ed.91, p.20-26.
Hensen, A.; Schräder, F.; Brümmer, C.; Flechard, C.R. |; Wichink Kruit, R.J.; Zanten, M.C. van; Zöll, U.; Erisman, J.W.;
Non-stomatal exchange in ammonia dry deposition models: comparison of two state-of-the-art approaches
ECN-W--16-046 EN oktober 2016; 17 pag.
Borrego, C.; Costa, A.M.; Ginja, J.; Amorim, M.; Coutinho, M.; Karatzas, K.; Katsifarakis, N.; Sioumis, Th.; Konstantinidis, K.; Vito, S de; Esposito, E.; Smith, P.; André, N.; Gérard, P.; Francis, L.A.; Castell, N.; Schneider, P.; Viana, M.; Minguillon, M.C.; Reimringer, W.; Otjes, R.P.; Sicard, O. von; Pohle, R.; Elen, B.; Suriano, D.; Pfister, V.; Prato, M.; Dipinto, S.; Penza, M.;
Assessment of air quality microsensors versus reference methods: The EuNetAir joint exercise
ECN-W--16-030 EN oktober 2016; 18 pag.
Published in: Atmospheric Environment (Elsevier), , Ed., p.-.
Bulk, W.C.M. van den; Vermeulen, A.T.; Jongejan, P.A.C.; Batenburg, A.M.; Popa, M.E.; Rockmann, T; Fisher, R.E.; Lowry, D; Nisbet, E.G.;
Observations of molecular hydrogen mixing ratio and stable isotopic composition at the Cabauw tall tower in the Netherlands
ECN-W--16-029 EN oktober 2016; 11 pag.
Published in: International Journal of Hydrogen Energy (Elsevier), 2016, Ed.147, p.98-1008.
Boer, R. de;
Performance evaluation of a waste-heat driven adsorption system for automotive air-conditioning: Part I - Modeling and experimental
ECN-W--16-027 EN oktober 2016; 0 pag.
Published in: Energy (Elsevier), 2016, Ed.Energy 116, p.526-538.
Boer, R. de;
Performance evaluation of a waste-heat driven adsorption system for automotive air-conditioning: Part II - Performance optimization under
ECN-W--16-028 EN oktober 2016; 0 pag.
Published in: Energy (Elsevier), 2016, Ed.Energy 115, p.996-1009.
Knight, M.W.; Groep, J. van de; Bronsveld, P.C.P.; Sinke, W.C.; Polman, A.;
Soft imprinted Ag nanowire hybrid electrodes on silicon heterojunction solar cells
ECN-W--15-034 EN oktober 2016; 9 pag.
Published in: Nano Energy (Elsevier), 2016, Ed.30, p.398-406.
Brand, E.; Nijs, T. de; Dijkstra, J.J.; Comans, R.N.J. |;
A novel approach in calculating site-specific aftercare completion criteria for landfills in The Netherlands: Policy developments
ECN-W--16-021 EN september 2016; 7 pag.
Published in: Waste Management (Elsevier), 2016, Ed.56, p.255-261.
Huijgen, W.J.J.; Løhre, C.; Barth, T.; Aakre Laugerud, G.A.;
Lignin-to-liquid-solvolysis (LtL) of organosolv extracted lignin
ECN-W--16-020 EN augustus 2016; 11 pag.
Published in: Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering (ACS Publications ), 2018, Ed.6, p.3102-3112.
Stodolny, M.K.; Janssen, G.J.M.; Aken, B.B. van; Tool, C.J.J.; Lamers, M.W.P.E.; Romijn, I.G.; Venema, P.; Renes, M.; Siarheyeva, O.; Granneman, E.; Wang, J.; Ma, J.; Cui, J.; Lang, F.; Hu, Zhiyan; Loffler, J.;
PID- and UVID-free n-type solar cells and modules
ECN-W--16-022 EN augustus 2016; 8 pag.
Published in: Energy Procedia (Elsevier), 2016, Ed.92, p.609-616.
Janssen, G.J.M.; Wu, Y.; Tool, C.J.J.; Romijn, I.G.; Fell, A.;
Extraction of recombination properties from lifetime data
ECN-W--16-023 EN augustus 2016; 8 pag.
Published in: Energy Procedia (Elsevier), 2016, Ed.92, p.88-95.
Wu, Y.; Stodolny, M.K.; Geerligs, L.J.; Lenes, M.; Luchies, J.M.;
In-situ doping and local overcompensation of high performance LPCVD polysilicon passivated contacts as approach to industrial IBC cells
ECN-W--16-024 EN augustus 2016; 7 pag.
Published in: Energy Procedia (Elsevier), 2016, Ed.92, p.427-433.
Spinelli, P.; Danzl, F.J.K.; Guillevin, N.; Mewe, A.A.; Sawallich, S.; Vlooswijk, A.H.G.; Loo, B. van; Kessels, E.; Nagel, M.; Cesar, I.;
High resolution sheet resistance mapping to unveil edge effects in industrial IBC solar cells
ECN-W--16-025 EN augustus 2016; 7 pag.
Published in: Energy Procedia (Elsevier), 2016, Ed.92, p.218-224.
Manshanden, P.; Bronsveld, P.C.P.;
Investigation of hydrogenation in n-type wafers with ring- and disc-shaped defect zones
ECN-W--16-026 EN augustus 2016; 10 pag.
Published in: Energy Procedia (Elsevier), 2016, Ed.92, p.857-866.
Schlag, P.; Kiendler-Scharr, A.; Blom, M.J.; Canonaco, F.; Henzing, J.S.; Moerman, M.; Prevot, A.S.H. ; Holzinger, R.;
Aerosol source apportionment from 1-year measurements at the CESAR tower in Cabauw, the Netherlands
ECN-W--16-019 EN juli 2016; 17 pag.
Published in: Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics (European Geosciences Union), 2016, Ed.16, p.8831-8847.
Stodolny, M.K.; Lenes, M.; Wu, Y.; Janssen, G.J.M.; Romijn, I.G.; Luchies, J.M.; Geerligs, L.J.;
n-type Polysilicon passivating contact for industrial bifacial n-PERT cells
ECN-W--16-013 EN juli 2016; 5 pag.
Published in: Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells (Elsevier), 2016, Ed.158, p.24-28.
Rabou, L.P.L.M.; Fryda, L.E.; Pandey, D.; Kwapinska, M.; Gomez Barea, A.; Horvat, A.; Leahy, J.J.; Kwapinski, W.;
Poultry litter gasification in a fluidized bed reactor: effects of gasifying agent and limestone addition
ECN-W--16-010 EN juni 2016; 14 pag.
Published in: Energy & Fuels (American Chemical Society), 2016, Ed.30 (4), p.3085-3096.
Carbo, M.C.; Kiel, J.H.A.; Thrän, D.; Witt, J.; Schaubach, K.; Maier, J.; Ndibe, C.; Koppejan, J.; Alakangas, E.; Majer, S.; Schipfer, F.;
Moving torrefaction towards market introduction - Technical improvements and economic-environmental assessment along the overall torrefaction supply chain through the SECTOR project
ECN-W--16-018 EN juni 2016; 19 pag.
Published in: Biomass & Bioenergy (Elsevier), 2016, Ed.89, p.184-200.
Constant, S.; Wienk, H.L.J.; Frissen, G.A.E.; Peinder, P. de; Boelens, R.; Es, D.S. van; Grisel, R.J.H.; Weckhuysen, B.M.; Huijgen, W.J.J.; Gosselink, R.J.A.; Bruijnincx, P.C.A.;
New insights into the structure and composition of technical lignins: a comparative characterisation study
ECN-W--15-025 EN mei 2016; 18 pag.
Published in: Green Chemistry (The Royal Society of Chemistry), 2016, Ed.Volume 18 - Number 9, p.2563-2910.
Hofman, J.; Staelens, J.; Cordell, R.; Stroobants, C; Zikova, N.; Hama, S.M.L.; Wyche, K.P.; Kos, G.P.A.; Zee, S.C. van der; Smallbone, K.L.; Weijers, E.P.; Monks, P.; Roekens, E.;
Ultrafine particles in four European urban environments: Results from a new continuous long-term monitoring network
ECN-W--16-017 EN mei 2016; 16 pag.
Published in: Atmospheric Environment (Elsevier), 2016, Ed.136, p.68-81.
Bikker, P.; Krimpen, M.M. van; Wikselaar, P. van; Houweling-Tan, B.; Scaccia, N.; Hal, J.W. van; Huijgen, W.J.J.; Cone, J.W.; López-Contreras, A. M.;
Biorefinery of the green seaweed Ulva lactuca to produce animal feed, chemicals and biofuels
ECN-W--15-008 EN april 2016; 18 pag.
Published in: Journal of Applied Phycology (Springer), 2016, Ed.23 april 2016, p.1-15.
Polman, A.; Knight, M.W.; Garnett, E.C.; Ehrler, B.; Sinke, W.C.;
Photovoltaic materials: present efficiencies and future challenges
ECN-W--16-016 EN april 2016; 10 pag.
Published in: Science (), 2016, Ed.Vol.352 Issue 6283, p.aad4424-1-aad4424-10.
Sutanto, S.; Dijkstra, J.W.; Pieterse, J.A.Z.; Boon, J.; Hauwert, P.; Brilman, D.W.F.;
CO2 removal from biogas with supported amine sorbent: A design study based on experimental data
ECN-W--16-012 EN maart 2016; 14 pag.
Published in: Separation and Purification Technology (Elsevier), 2017, Ed.184, p.12-25.
Keulen, A.; Zomeren, A. van; Harpe, P.; Aarnink, W.; Simons, H.A.E.; Brouwers, H.J.H.;
High performance of treated and washed MSWI bottom ash granulates as natural aggregate replacement within earth-moist concrete
ECN-W--16-009 EN maart 2016; 15 pag.
Published in: Waste Management (Elsevier), 2016, Ed.49, p.83-95.
Janssen, G.J.M.; Aken, B.B. van; Carr, A.J.; Mewe, A.A.;
Outdoor performance of bifacial modules by measurements and modelling
ECN-W--15-053 EN maart 2016; 10 pag.
Published in: Energy Procedia (Elsevier), 2015, Ed.77, p.364-373.
Nanou, P.; Carbo, M.C.; Kiel, J.H.A.;
Detailed mapping of the mass and energy balance of a continuous biomass torrefaction plant
ECN-W--16-007 EN maart 2016; 13 pag.
Published in: Biomass & Bioenergy (Elsevier), 2016, Ed.89, p.67-77.
Zhang, Y.;
High performance solid-oxide fuel cell: Opening windows to low temperature application
ECN-W--16-008 EN maart 2016; 9 pag.
Published in: International Journal of Hydrogen Energy (Elsevier), 2016, Ed.2016.02.033, p.1-9.
Schepers, J.G.;
Nederlands leidende rol in de aerodynamica van windenergie
ECN-W--16-006 NL maart 2016; 4 pag.
Published in: Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Natuurkunde (Nederlandse Natuurkundige Vereniging), 2016, Ed.januari, p.16-19.
Soleimanzadeh, M.; Pierik, J.T.G.; Wijesinghe, ;
Economical Reactive Power Provision For an Offshore Transmission Technology
ECN-W--15-041 EN februari 2016; 6 pag.
Published in: Renewable Power Generation (IET), 2014, Ed.--, p.1-6.
Wagner, R.; Canadillas, B.; Clifton, A.; Feeney, S.; Nygaard, N.; Poodt, M.J.S.; St. Martin,  C.; Tuxen, E.; Wagenaar, J.W.;
Rotor equivalent wind speed for power curve measurement - comparative exercise for IEA Wind Annex 32
ECN-W--16-004 EN februari 2016; 10 pag.
Published in: Journal of Physics, Conference Series (IOP Conference Series), 2014, Ed.524, p.1-10.
Reuder, J.; Baserud, L.; Kral, S.; Kumer, V.; Wagenaar, J.W.; Knauer, A.;
Proof of concept for wind turbine wake investigations with the RPAS SUMO
ECN-W--16-002 EN februari 2016; 10 pag.
Published in: Science Direct (), 2015,, p.1-10.
Rodrigues, S.F.R.; Texeira Pinto, R.; Soleimanzadeh, M.; Bosman, P.H.; Bauer, P.;
Wake losses optimization of offshore wind farms with moveable floating wind turbines
ECN-W--16-003 EN februari 2016; 9 pag.
Published in: Energy Conversion and Management (Elsevier), 2015, Ed.89, p.933-941.
Limpens, R.; Luxembourg, S.L.; Weeber, A.W.; Gregorkiewicz, T.;
Emission efficiency limit of Si nanocrystals
ECN-W--15-029 EN januari 2016; 6 pag.
Published in: Nature Scientific Reports (, 2016, Ed.6, p.19566-.
Fryda, L.E.; Visser, H.J.M.;
Biochar for Soil Improvement: Evaluation of Biochar from Gasification and Slow Pyrolysis
ECN-W--15-033 EN januari 2016; 40 pag.
Published in: Agriculture - Open Access Journal (MDPI), 2015, Ed.2015-5, p.1076-1115.
Boon, J.; Spallina, V.; Delft, Y.C. van; Sint Annaland, M. van;
Comparison of the efficiency of carbon dioxide capture by sorption-enhanced water–gas shift and palladium-based membranes for power and hydrogen production
ECN-W--16-001 EN januari 2016; 16 pag.
Published in: International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control (Elsevier), 2016, Ed.50, p.121-134.
Ingenito, A.; Luxembourg, S.L.; Spinelli, P.; Liu, J.; Ortiz Lizcano, J.C.; Weeber, A.W.; Isabella, O.; Zeman, M.;
Optimized metal free back reflectors for high efficiency open rear c-Si solar cells
ECN-W--15-023 EN 2016; 7 pag.
Published in: IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics (IEEE), 2016, Ed.Vol.6 No.1, p.34-40.