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ECN publication
Lung deposited surface area in Leicester urban background sit/UK: Sources and contribution of new particle formation
Halma, S.M.L.; Ma, N; Cordell, R.; Kos, G.P.A.; Wiedensohle, A.; Monks, P.
Published by: Publication date:
ECN Environment & Energy Engineering 12-12-2016
ECN report number: Document type:
ECN-W--16-042 Article (scientific)
Number of pages:

Published in: Atmospheric Environment (Elsevier), , 2016, Vol.151, p.94-107.

Lung Deposited Surface Area (LDSA) has been identi?ed as a potential metric for the correlation of a physical aerosol particle properties with health outcomes. Currently, there is little urban LDSA data. As a case study, we investigated measurements of LDSA (alveolar) concentrations in a mid-size European city. LDSA and associated measurements were carried out over 1.5 years at an urban background site in Leicester, UK.

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