ECN publication
Optiedocument voor emissiereductie van broeikasgassen: inventarisatie in het kader van de Uitvoeringsnota Klimaatbeleid [ECN-C--98-082 ; ECN-RIVM-98]
Published by: Publication date:
ECN Policy Studies 1-10-1998
ECN report number: Document type:
ECN-C--98-082 ECN publication
Number of pages: Full text:
187 Download PDF  

At the Climate Conference in Kyoto 1997 the countries of the EuropeanUnion (EU) agreed to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions by 8% in the period 2008-2012, compared to the level of 1990-1995. At the European Council in June 1998 separate targets for each country within the EU have been agreed upon. Under specific conditions the Netherlands have agreed with a reduction of 6%. Based on the Global Competition scenario the total reduction target for 2010 is 50 Mton CO2-equivalents. In this report, options that can contribute to the realization of such a reduction are described and categorised as follows: energy conservation in the transport sector; energy savings in other sectors; renewable energy; electricity production; other greenhouse gasses; CO2-storage; and flexible instruments. In the final chapters overviews are presented of the options as a whole as well as the costs of a specific quantity of greenhouse gas reduction, dependent on several criteria. The total reduction potential of all options (excluding flexible instruments) amounts to nearly 73 Mton CO2-equivalents compared to a target of 50 Mton. Ranking according to the criteria of minimum total costs results in annual costs of nearly 1 billion DFl for reaching the target in 2010. Ranking based on other criteria can result in annual costs of up to 4 billion DFl. 79 refs.

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