ECN publication
Extra energiebesparing nader onderzocht: achtergronddocument bij de Energiebesparingsnota 1998
Published by: Publication date:
ECN Policy Studies 1-11-1998
ECN report number: Document type:
ECN-C--98-093 ECN publication
Number of pages: Full text:
124 Download PDF  

In 1997 the Dutch Central Planning Bureau (CPB) and ECN developed threeenergy scenarios for the Netherlands for the period 1995-2020. An economic growth of 1.5%/y in scenario Divided Europe (DE), 2.7%/y in scenario European Coordination (EC), and 3.3%/y in scenario Global Competition (GC) result in a growth of the Dutch national energy consumption of 0.3, 1.0 and 1.4%/y, respectively. The energy saving in the scenarios is based on existing governmental policy. Although the governmental goal of 1.6%/y energy saving is reached in GC, national energy consumption and CO2 emissions are still growing in this scenario. This report contains a description of policy measures to increase the energy saving in the GC scenario with 0.4%/y. Main options are: more strict energy performance standards for new houses and offices; an energy performance inspection of all existing houses and offices; subsidy on cooling equipment with a low energy consumption; an increase of the energy tax for small consumers; further agreements with the industry on energy savings and material use; stimulation of new industrial processes and the distribution of low temperature waste heat at industrial locations. The results of this study are used for a governmental document of the Ministry of Economic Affairs on options for further energy savings in the Netherlands. 35 refs.

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