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Publications of unit Solar Energy in 2002.
Hoornstra, J.; Heide, A.S.H. van der; Bultman, J.H.; Weeber, A.W.;
Simple, detailed & fast firing furnace temperature profiling for improved efficiency
ECN-RX--02-049 EN oktober 2002; 4 pag.
Presented at: PV in Europe - From PV Technology to Energy Solutions Conference and Exhibition, Rome, Italy, 7-11 oktober 2002.
Rieffe, H.C.; Soppe, W.J.; Weeber, A.W.; Hong, J.; Kessels, W.M.M.; Sanden, M.C.M. van de; Arnoldbik, W.M.;
Passivation on MC-Si solar cells with PECVD SiNx:H using N2 and SiH4
ECN-RX--02-050 EN oktober 2002; 4 pag.
Presented at: PV in Europe - From PV Technology to Energy Solutions Conference and Exhibition, Rome, Italy, 7-11 oktober 2002.
Bultman, J.H.; Eikelboom, D.W.K.; Kinderman, R.; Tip, A.C.; Weeber, A.W.; Meuwissen, M.H.H.; Nieuwenhof, M.A.C.J. van den; Michiels, P.P.; Schoofs, C.; Schuurmans, F.M.;
Selecting optimal interconnection methodology for easy and cost efficient manufacturing of the pin up module
ECN-RX--02-051 EN oktober 2002; 4 pag.
Presented at: PV in Europe - From PV Technology to Energy Solutions Conference and Exhibition, Rome, Italy, 7-11 oktober 2002.
Eikelboom, D.W.K.; Bultman, J.H.; Schönecker, A.; Meuwissen, M.H.H.; Nieuwenhof, M.A.C.J. van den; Meier, D.L.;
Conductive adhesives for low-stress interconnection of thin back-contact solar cells
ECN-RX--02-052 EN oktober 2002; 4 pag.
Presented at: PV in Europe - From PV Technology to Energy Solutions Conference and Exhibition, Rome, Italy, 7-11 oktober 2002.
Sinke, W.C.; Oldenkamp, H.E.; Jong, I. de;
PV-wirefree: redesigning and innovating grid-connected PV-systems
ECN-RX--02-053 EN oktober 2002; 4 pag.
Presented at: PV in Europe - From PV Technology to Energy Solutions Conference and Exhibition, Rome, Italy, 7-11 oktober 2002.
Heide, A.S.H. van der; Bultman, J.H.; Hoornstra, J.; Schönecker, A.;
Error diagnosis and optimisation of C-Si solar cell processing using contact resistances determined with the Corescanner
ECN-RX--02-054 EN oktober 2002; 7 pag.
Published in: Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells (Elsevier), 2002, Ed.43, p.43-.
Schönecker, A.; Laas, L.J.; Gutjahr, A.; Goris, M.J.A.A.; Wyers, G.P.; Hahn, G.; Sontag, D.;
Ribbon-Growth-on-Substrate: status, challenges and promises of high speed silicon wafer manufacturing
ECN-RX--02-038 EN september 2002; 8 pag.
Presented at: 12th Workshop on Crystalline Silicon Solar Cell Materials and Processes, Breckenridge CO, USA, 11-14 augustus 2002.
Heide, A.S.H. van der; Bultman, J.H.; Hoornstra, J.; Schönecker, A.; Wyers, G.P.; Sinke, W.C.;
Locating losses due to contact resistance, shunts and recombination by potential mapping with the Corescan
ECN-RX--02-039 EN september 2002; 10 pag.
Presented at: 12th Workshop on Crystalline Silicon Solar Cell Materials and Processes, Breckenridge CO, USA, 11-14 augustus 2002.
Geerligs, L.J.;
mc-Si: Relation between ingot quality and cell efficiency
ECN-RX--02-041 EN september 2002; 4 pag.
Presented at: 12th Workshop on Crystalline Silicon Solar Cell Materials and Processes, Breckenridge CO, USA, 11-14 augustus 2002.
Geerligs, L.J.; Wyers, G.P.; Jensen, R.; Raaness, O.S.; Waernes, A.N.; Santén, S.; Reinink, A.; Wiersma, B.;
Solar-grade silicon by a direct route based on carbothermic reduction of silica: requirements and production technology
ECN-RX--02-042 EN september 2002; 4 pag.
Presented at: 12th Workshop on Crystalline Silicon Solar Cell Materials and Processes, Breckenridge CO, USA, 11-14 augustus 2002.
Schönecker, A.; Laas, L.J.; Gutjahr, A.; Wyers, G.P.; Reinink, A.; Wiersma, B.;
Ribbon-Growth-on-Substrate : progress in high-speed crystalline silicon wafer manufacturing
ECN-RX--02-023 EN juli 2002; 4 pag.
Presented at: 29th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference, New Orleans, USA, 20-24 mei 2002.
Schönecker, A.; Eikelboom, D.W.K.; Manshanden, P.; Goris, M.J.A.A.; Wyers, G.P.; Roberts, S.; Bruton, T.M.; Jooss, W.; Faika, A.; Kress, R.; Kühn, R.; Neu, W.; Knauss, H.; Fath, P.; Ferrazza, F.; Nacci, R.V.; Kerschaver, E. van; Wolf, S. de; Szlufcik, J.; Leistiko, O.; Jørgensen, A.; Glunz, S.W.; Dicker, J.; Kray, D.; Sölter, J.; Schäfer, S.;
ACE Designs : the beauty of rear contact solar cells
ECN-RX--02-024 EN mei 2002; 4 pag.
Presented at: 29th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference, New Orleans, USA, 20-24 mei 2002.
Goris, M.J.A.A.; Weeber, A.W.; Bultman, J.H.;
Narrower efficiency distribution for multicrystalline silicon solar cells by double-side emitter diffusion
ECN-RX--02-025 EN mei 2002; 4 pag.
Presented at: 29th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference, New Orleans, USA, 20-24 mei 2002.
Sinke, W.C.;
Development and implementation of PV in The Netherlands
ECN-RX--02-026 EN mei 2002; 4 pag.
Presented at: 29th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference, New Orleans, USA, 20-24 mei 2002.
Eikelboom, D.W.K.; Bultman, J.H.; Schönecker, A.; Meuwissen, M.H.H.; Nieuwenhof, M.A.C.J. van den; Meier, D.L.;
Conductive adhesives for low-stress interconnection of thin back-contact solar cells
ECN-RX--02-027 EN mei 2002; 4 pag.
Presented at: 29th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference, New Orleans, USA, 20-24 mei 2002.
Wienke, J.A.; Winkler, M.; Burgelman, M.; Vleuten, P. van der;
PROCIS : product identification, pilot plant design and market potential evaluation for copper indium disulphide (CuInS2) on copper tape substrates: publishable report
ECN-C--02-052 EN mei 2002; 11 pag.
Soppe, W.J.; Devilee, C.; Rieffe, H.C.; Schiermeier, S.E.A.; Bultman, J.H.; Weeber, A.W.; Hong, J.; Kessels, W.M.M.; Sanden, M.C.M. van de; Arnoldbik, W.M.; Schlemm, H.;
On combining surface and bulk passivation of SiNx: H layers for mc-Si solar cells
ECN-RX--02-018 EN mei 2002; 4 pag.
Presented at: 29th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference, New Orleans, USA, 20-24 mei 2002.
Soppe, W.J.; Devilee, C.; Schiermeier, S.E.A.; Biebericher, A.C.W.; Donker, H.; Rath, J.K.;
Microwave PECVD of micro-crystalline silicon
ECN-RX--02-019 EN mei 2002; 4 pag.
Presented at: 29th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference, New Orleans, USA, 20-24 mei 2002.
Manshanden, P.; Burgers, A.R.; Weeber, A.W.; Nositschka, W.A.; Voigt, O.;
Silicon solar cells textured by low damage RIE with natural lithography
ECN-RX--02-020 EN mei 2002; 4 pag.
Presented at: 29th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference, New Orleans, USA, 20-24 mei 2002.
Heide, A.S.H. van der; Bultman, J.H.; Hoornstra, J.; Schönecker, A.; Wyers, G.P.; Sinke, W.C.;
Optimizing the front side metallization process using the corescan
ECN-RX--02-021 EN mei 2002; 4 pag.
Presented at: 29th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference, New Orleans, USA, 20-24 mei 2002.
Tool, C.J.J.; Burgers, A.R.; Manshanden, P.; Weeber, A.W.;
Higher efficiency for thin multi crystalline silicon solar cells by improving the rear surface passivation
ECN-RX--02-022 EN mei 2002; 4 pag.
Presented at: 29th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference, New Orleans, USA, 20-24 mei 2002.
Soppe, W.J.; Devilee, C.; Schiermeier, S.E.A.; Donker, H.; Rath, J.K.;
Microwave PECVD of Micro-Crystalline Silicon
ECN-RX--02-011 EN april 2002; 6 pag.
Presented at: 2002 MRS Spring Meeting, San Francisco, USA, 1-5 april 2002.
Soppe, W.J.; Bailat, J.; Droz, C.; Graf, U.; Kroll, U.; Meier, J.; Shah, A.;
Microwave Plasma Assisted VHF-PECVD of Micro-Crystalline Silicon
ECN-RX--02-012 EN april 2002; 6 pag.
Presented at: 2002 MRS Spring Meeting, San Francisco, USA, 1-5 april 2002.
Kroon, J.M.; Wienk, M.M.; Verhees, W.J.H.; Hummelen, J.C.;
Accurate efficiency determination and stability studies of conjugated polymer/fullerene solar cells
ECN-RX--02-003 EN februari 2002; 6 pag.
Published in: Thin Solid Films (Elsevier), 2002, Ed.403-404, p.223-228.
Biebericher, A.C.W.;
Deposition of hydrogenated amorphous silicon using modulated radio-frequency plasmas*
ECN---02-001 EN februari 2002; 127 pag.