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ECN publication
Member states' report. Vision on the introduction of hydrogen in the European energy system.
Bunzeck, I.G.; Agator, J.M.; Joest, S.; Giannakopoulos, D.; Mattucci, A.; Hoogma, R.; Mulder, F.; Andersen, O.; Laurikko, J.; Rogut, J.; Zechowska, S.; Campollo, E.C.; Vaughan, G.
Published by: Publication date:
ECN Policy Studies 19-10-2007
ECN report number: Document type:
ECN-B--07-018 Book
Number of pages: Full text:
57 Download PDF  

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HyWays aims to develop a validated European roadmap and an action plan for hydrogen in transport and stationary applications. This report comprises the visions on hydrogen energy systems of ten European member states that have participated in the HyWays project. The visions are a direct result of more than 50 member state workshops that were held to provide input to and validate the outcomes of HyWays. By means of an iterative process, the results of the calculations of the various models were discussed during the workshops. The feedback given during the workshops was used to modify input to the models results. Through the stakeholder participation in these workshops, it is ensured that HyWays is not a theoretical model exercise but takes into account country preferences and country specific conditions leading to a validated and well-accepted roadmap. As a final product of these workshops, each country created a specific hydrogen energy vision document that describes the role of hydrogen in their respective energy system over a time horizon of 2020, 2030 and up to 2050. The vision document includes a general vision of the energy system, but also more detailed descriptions of the expected distribution of hydrogen, used feedstocks for production and infrastructure for different periods. It should be noted that the visions of the stakeholders as described in this document are not necessarily identical to the outcomes of the final model calculations. The visions of the stakeholders are used to modify the input for the model calculations. The outcomes of this exercise can deviate from the expectations of the stakeholders. This Member State Vision Report is one of the final deliverables of the HyWays project. Other deliverables, such as an Executive Summary Report, the Hydrogen Roadmap and an Action Plan are available for download at the HyWays website (

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