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ECN publication
Biorefinery Approach to the Use of Macroalgae as Feedstock for Biofuels
Lopez-Contreras, A.M.; Harmsen, P.; Hou, X.; Huijgen, W.J.J.; Ditchfield, A.K.; Bjornsdottir, B.; Obata, O.O.; Hreggvidsson, G.O.; Hal, J.W. van; Bjerre, A.-B.
Published by: Publication date:
ECN Biomass & Energy Efficiency 6-9-2017
ECN report number: Document type:
ECN-B--16-007 Book
Number of pages: Full text:
20 Download PDF  

Published in: Algal Biofuels, 103, 139, CRC Press; Editor: Leonel Pereira.

No summary available.

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