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ECN publication
A Biorefinery in Rotterdam with Isobutanol as Platform?
Posada, J.; Zirkzee, H.; Hellemond, E. van; Lopez-Contreras, A.M.; Hal, J.W. van; Straathof, A.J.J.
Published by: Publication date:
ECN Biomass & Energy Efficiency 6-5-2014
ECN report number: Document type:
ECN-V--14-004 Article
Number of pages: Full text:
4 Download PDF  

Published in: NPT Procestechnologie (), , , Vol., p.-.

The port area of Rotterdam with its concentration of chemical and petrochemical industry is an important contributor to the emission of CO2 in this country. The Rotterdam Climate Initiative (RCI) aims to reduce the CO2 emission in 2025 by 50% compared to 1990 levels. The use of biomass as a raw material for the production of bio-based chemicals to replace fossil-based chemicals is indispensable in reaching this goal. This paper describes the assessment of the economic, technical and ecological feasibility of an isobutanol based complex in the Rotterdam harbor area.

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