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ECN publication
Techno-economic and ex-ante environmental assessment of C6 sugars production from lignocellulosic biomass and corn. Comparison of organosolv and wet milling technologies.
Moncada, J; Vural-Gurse, l; Huijgen, W.J.J.; Ramírez, A
Published by: Publication date:
ECN Biomass & Energy Efficiency 22-11-2016
ECN report number: Document type:
ECN-W--16-036 Article (scientific)
Number of pages:

Published in: Journal of Cleaner Production (Elsevier), , 2018, Vol.170, p.610-624.

This study assesses the techno-economic and environmental performance of C6 sugars production from softwood (spruce) and corn. Two technologies were considered in the assessment: organosolv of spruce woodchips (2nd generation) and corn wet milling (1st generation). Process models were developed to generate relevant data to assess the technical performance and derive inputs for the economic and environmental assessments. The economic assessment was carried out using Net Present Value (NPV) as indicator, while the environmental assessment followed a prospective cradle-to-gate life cycle assessment (LCA) for 5 impact categories. The results indicate that when organosolv is integrated with an anaerobic digestion unit, the net energy requirements are lower than those of the wet milling process to produce an equivalent ?owrate of C6 sugars.

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