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ECN publication
Een eerste analyse van het bestedingsgedrag van huishoudens : de invloed van inkomen en gezinsgrootte
Published by: Publication date:
ECN Policy Studies 1992
ECN report number: Document type:
ECN-I--92-050 ECN publication
Number of pages: Full text:
51 Download PDF  

Households consume energy both directly, such as natural gas, eIectricity and motor fuels, and indirectly as it is embodied in the products and services consumed. In order to be able to assess developments of total residential energy requirements (direct + indirect) the entire allocation of household budgets has to be analyzed, instead of only energy related expenditures. The present study attempts to analyze the allocation of the overall budget to eight main categories, such as food, housing, clothing, etc. The study focuses on two principal factors, namely income and household size. The influence of both variabies has been analyzed simultaneously in order to al]ow for possible mutual conditioning phenomena. In addition to this a simplified input-output system has been devised in order to connect consumer expenditures to activities in services, manufacturing and agriculture. This enables us to calculate a gross final energy requirement per consumption category. Finally, energy requirement calculations for the year 2010 have been made, based on estimated allocation functions and the input-output system.

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