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ECN publication
National energy cost optimization and project implementation: two different worlds? Discussion paper in the framework of the UNEP Greenhouse Gas Abatement Costing Studies.
Harmelen, T. van
Published by: Publication date:
ECN Policy Studies 1994
ECN report number: Document type:
ECN-C--94-059 ECN publication
Number of pages: Full text:
15 Download PDF  

This paper was contributed to the UNEP Greenhouse Gas Abatement Costing Study, Phase II, on behalf of the Dutch national team which consists of researchers of the Institute of Environmental Studies (IES) and the Netherlands Energy Research Foundation (ECN). The study was commissioned by the Dutch Ministry of Physical Health, Planning and Environment, department of Air. Additional to this paper a study on CO2 reduction costs for the Netherlands followlng UNEP guidelines bas been submitted by ECN. Three papers on the topic of the implementat~on of greenhouse gas abatement options have been submitted by IES.

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