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ECN publication
Cost-effectiveness of power plants in Eastern Europe. An approach for estimating the cost-effectiveness of existing, retrofitted and new power plants
Harmelen, T. van
Published by: Publication date:
ECN Policy Studies 1994
ECN report number: Document type:
ECN-C--94-060 ECN publication
Number of pages: Full text:
23 Download PDF  

This paper describes a methodological study that is conducted in the framework of the project ’CO2 emission reduction strategies for Eastern Europe’, commissioned by the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs (project number 7124). Since CO2 emissions are largely dependent on energy consumption and supply mix, an extensive study into the current situation and possible future developments in the energy sector in Central European countries has been started. Energy demand projections, energy supply, and energy technologies are researched. The presented method concerns the identification of the cost-effectiveness of lifetime extension of existing power plants which can currently be observed in Central European countries. The method will be used in the country studies for the Czech Republic, Slovakia, PoIand, and Hungary using the Linear Programming model EFOM-ENV/GAMS.

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