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ECN publication
Leefstijl en energie. Van intentie naar actie?
Paauw, K. de
Published by: Publication date:
ECN Policy Studies 1994
ECN report number: Document type:
ECN-C--94-068 ECN publication
Number of pages: Full text:
74 Download PDF  

The present report contains the contributions of a workshop on ’Energy and Lifestyle’, held November 4th, in Amsterdam, organized by ECN Policy Studies. In addition, an introductory and concluding chapter have been added. The purpose of the workshop is to bring together researchers and policy makers in this relatively new research area. Both the provision of new insights and of overview in the sprawl of research and policy efforts is welcomed by the participants. The contributions in this issue deal with:

  • definition and positioning of lifestyle research in an energy (policy)context;
  • empirical research regarding the energy intensity of private consumption at a fairly disaggregate level;
  • micro-economie modelling of household energy demand;
  • the significance of technology for lifestyles and energy use;
  • the social dilemma with respect to changing lifestyles of the private consumer;
  • policy measures aiming at a society with low CO2 levels;
  • reflection on what has heen achieved solar, current main issues for research and policy (concluding chapter).

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