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ECN publication
Een model voor het bezit van elektrische huishoudelijke apparaten in Nederland.
Linssen, R.J.L.
Published by: Publication date:
ECN Policy Studies 3-1-1994
ECN report number: Document type:
ECN-I--94-012 ECN publication
Number of pages: Full text:
116 Download PDF  

Except for lighting purposes residential electricity consumption is closely related to the volume, quality and utilization of the domestic appliance stock. Given the intended construction of a lifestyle-oriented residential energy model it was worthwile to investigate whether the ownership of domestic appliances could be endogenized in a model system. This report discusses and illustrates the application of discrete choice models. Both econometric and applicatory aspects are dealt with. The report includes a complete specification and estimation of a discrete choice model concerning the ownership of a tumble dryer in the Netherlands. Finally, some attention is paid to alternative approaches, in particular diffusion models.

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