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ECN publication
Energie- en milieu-aspecten van elektrisch varen.
Smokers, R.T.M.
Published by: Publication date:
ECN Policy Studies 3-1-1994
ECN report number: Document type:
ECN-I--94-018 ECN publication
Number of pages: Full text:
38 Download PDF  

Electric propulsion for motorboats and yachts may help to decrease the energy consumption and environmental impacts related to water recretarion. This report starts with a general overview of the environmental impacts related to water recreation. In order to assess the possible benefits of electric propulsion the energy consumption and exhaust emissions resulting from the use of diesel and two-stroke engines on motorboats and yachts are compared with the impacts resulting from electricity generation for electric propulsion. Finally an overview is presented of the energy and environmental aspects of the production and recycling of batteries and lead.

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