Leefstijl en huishoudelijk energieverbruik: een kwalitatief onderzoek naar de relatie tussen leefstijl en energieverbruik bij bewoners van energiezuinige woningen
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Policy Studies
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ECN publication
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Results of a study of the interaction between energy saving measures andlifestyle are presented. Residents of new, highly efficient, dwellings have
been interviewed. The main subjects were: (1) The interaction between
dwelling characteristics and lifestyle. To what extent did the technologies
require changes in ventilation or space heating behaviour? How difficult is
the operation of the technologies, and how well were the residents informed?
Is the dwelling sufficiently convenient or will future inhabitants be
inclined to make changes which possibly counterbalance the energy efficient
design? What aspects of the dwelling are most appreciated and what aspects do
not match previous expectations?; (2) The attitude towards renewable or
efficient technologies. How familiar are domestic solar heating systems, heat
pumps and PV panels, and what additional price is one willing to pay?; (3)
The knowledge of efficient appliances and the labelling system. Have they
taken into account the information on the energy label when purchasing new
appliances? Is the concept of 'hot fill' washing machines familiar?; (4)
Their own lifestyle. How is their general attitude towards energy efficiency
and the environment? The major conclusion is that technologies in residential
dwellings should be easy to use for all kinds of residents, regardless of
their technical background and their attitude towards energy efficiency. In
addition, the design of an energy efficient dwelling should not require major
changes in behaviour. In particular ventilation behaviour appears, to a large
extent, to be based on habits. It is recommended to further investigate
whether improved information on the operation of a ventilation system with
heat recovery may influence ventilation behaviour. The information on how to
operate the advanced systems is in many cases not sufficient, which leads to
incorrect operation and in some cases counterbalances the energy saving
effect. More attention should be paid to the creation of simple, written
documentation, which will also be available to future residents. Technologies
and measures should also not cause any inconvenience (noise or dust from the
ventilation outlet), because the expectation is that sooner or later, all
residents will take measures to reduce this inconvenience. This way the
energy efficient design is not 'robust' over the lifetime of the dwelling. 12
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