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ECN publication
Local government and climate policy
Menkveld, M.; Burger, H.; Heinink, H.; Kaal, M.B.T.; Coenen, F.H.J.M.; Veer, K.A. van der
Published by: Publication date:
ECN Policy Studies 1-11-2001
ECN report number: Document type:
ECN-C--01-084 ECN publication
Number of pages: Full text:
88 Download PDF  

In this project an overview was made of the options for the reductionof greenhouse gas emissions for different target groups: utility buildings, households, traffic, waste, energy sector, industry and glass-house horticulture businesses. In addition, the instruments are described that the local governments have at their disposal within the various task areas: spatial planning, construction and housing, traffic, environment and local government task management. The options and policy instruments are set out against each other in a matrix, with the target groups along one axis and the task areas along the other. The matrix with combinations of options and instruments forms the overview of the playing field of local climate policy.

The use of options and instruments from the playing field is examined on the basis of literature and interviews with local governments. In the process, barriers for the implementation of options are illustrated. The evaluation of the playing field in practise shows that local governments often utilise only a part of their playing field. The importance of climate is not made explicit enough in many task areas.

The options in climate policy for local governments are influenced by social developments. In the study three trends are examined with respect to their influence: developments in the area of liberalisation of the energy market, the position of local governments in national environmental policy and changes in local democracy. This trends result in a complication of the role of local governments.

In order to reinforce contributions from local governments to climate policy, a systematic integrative approach is needed. The ideal model focuses on formulating a so-called climate management system. Similar to quality and environment management systems, a systematic introduction of a (climate) interest in a broad field of activities and decisions are involved. We distinguish some necessary basic steps and elements.

The model of a climate management system was tested by practise. For the municipalities of Haren, Hengelo and Alkmaar, the use of the playing field of local climate policy was linked to passing through the steps of a climate management system and mechanisms of external integration.

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