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ECN publication
Van oude naar nieuwe energie voor een duurzame Parkstad. Identificatie van stakeholder perspectieven op verduurzaming van de energievoorziening in Heerlen
Published by: Publication date:
ECN Policy Studies 31-10-2006
ECN report number: Document type:
ECN-E--06-020 ECN publication
Number of pages: Full text:
69 Download PDF  

On behalf of the municipality of Heerlen, ECN Policy Studies has carried out a study to determine local desirability of and commitment for implementing various renewable energy options in the built environment, on industrial parks and in the transport sector. The study is based on 15 interviews with 11 organisations and one stakeholder meeting. The general conclusion is that most stakeholders are reasonably positive towards implementing renewable energy options, showing commitment for further participation and development. However, the study also shows that most stakeholders are awaiting first a clear municipal and or provincial (transition) vision on renewable energy, after which they will commit themselves to actions towards the implementation of renewable energy.

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