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ECN publication
Techno-economic parameters of renewable electricity options in 2008. Concept financial gap calculations
Tilburg, X. van; Pfeiffer, E.A.; Cleijne, J.W.; Stienstra, G.J.; Lensink, S.M.
Published by: Publication date:
ECN Policy Studies 26-2-2007
ECN report number: Document type:
ECN-E--06-025 ECN publication
Number of pages: Full text:
49 Download PDF  

DRAFT: On assignment of the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs ECN and KEMA have researched the financial gaps of renewable energy production technologies. These financial gaps form the basis for determining the level of MEP-subsidies (feed-in tariffs) for different renewable electricity sources and technologies. This report contains an advice on the financial gaps for projects in the Netherlands that aim at realization in 2008. Although the report is based on careful research, the results have not been presented to stakeholders for consultation.

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