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ECN publication
Kostenefficiƫntie van (technische) opties voor zuiniger vrachtverkeer
Published by: Publication date:
ECN Policy Studies 6-3-2007
ECN report number: Document type:
ECN-E--07-003 ECN publication
Number of pages: Full text:
19 Download PDF  

Several measures and technologies potentially decrease the emission of CO2 in the freight transport sector. A literature survey shows an overview of CO2 emission reduction options for freight transport on the road and for inland shipping. Many options are cost effective, as CO2 emissions are strongly correlated to the fuel consumption. The payback time is mostly around three years. However, to have a technology implemented in the transport sector, the payback time should not be more than three years. Therefore, a certain indifference can be expected in transport companies to implement those technologies, as far as financial motives are concerned. The collected information indicates a CO2 emission reduction potential of 2% in 2010 and 15% in 2020 for the inland shipping sector in the Netherlands. The indicative potential for the road transport sector in the Netherlands is 5% to 10% in 2015. In 2015, most of the road freight vehicles will be replaced, due to the relative short life time of road freight vehicles. The reduction potentials for 2030 are estimated at 20% for inland shipping and 15% for road freight transport in the Netherlands. More problems might arise in implementation of CO2 emission reduction options, besides the length of the payback time. Other problems comprise the lack of transparancy in fuel economy of new vehicles, driver preferences, the industrial structure hindering vehicle component developers in demonstrating their product in practice, and the existance of freeriders in technology development within the freight vehicles manufacturers.

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