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ECN publication
Widening the scope of policies to address climate change: directions for mainstreaming
Kok, M.; Coninck, H.C. de
Published by: Publication date:
ECN Policy Studies 30-11-2007
ECN report number: Document type:
ECN-W--07-046 Article (scientific)
Number of pages:

Published in: Environmental Science & Policy (Elsevier), , 2007, Vol.Volume 10, Issues 7-8, p.587-599 .

Both mitigation of and adaptation to climate change require actions to be taken in many sectors of society, but so far this is hardly happening. This paper suggests possibilities for widening climate change policy by strengthening inter-linkages between climate policies and various relevant policy areas to mainstream climate change concerns. It argues that, if these inter-linkages can be strengthened and policy coherence is improved, the effectiveness of climate policy can be enhanced while also supporting these other policy areas. The contention in this paper is that improved policy coherence and mainstreaming requires climate policies to go beyond the UNFCCC framework to realise its full potential and to better deal with possible trade-offs. The potential benefits in the policy domains of poverty reduction, rural development and agriculture, disaster management, energy security, air quality and trade, and finance are examined, and the institutional and organisations linkages highlighted. Finally, opportunities for mainstreaming are identified to make better use of possible synergies between climate and related policy areas.

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