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ECN publication
HyWays Action Plan: Policy Measures for the Introduction of Hydrogen Energy in Europe
Hyways Partnership, 
Published by: Publication date:
ECN Policy Studies 22-2-2008
ECN report number: Document type:
ECN-B--08-008 Book
Number of pages: Full text:
31 Download PDF  

Published in: HyWays Action Plan: Policy Measures for the Introduction of Hydrogen Energy in E, editor: H. Jeeninga, ECN.

The HyWays Roadmap has outlined that as a result of the introduction of hydrogen into the energy system, substantial emission reduction can be achieved in a cost effective way, see (HyWays, 2007). At the same time, security of supply is improved and new economic opportunities are created. Despite the advantages, initial barriers prevent hydrogen from entering the energy system at a sufficient rate if no further policy incentives are provided. This Action Plan, developed based on the HyWays Roadmap, gives concrete policy actions that need to be taken to enable hydrogen to overcome smoothly these initial barriers.

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