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ECN publication
The SiteChar approach to efficient and focused CO2 storage site characterisation
Neele, F.P.; Delprat-Jannaud, F.; Vincké, O.; Volpi, V.; Nepveu, M.; Hofstee, C.; Wollenweber, J.; Lothe, A.; Brunsting, S.; Pearce, J.; Battani, A.; Baroni, A.; Garcia, B.
Published by: Publication date:
ECN Policy Studies 1-12-2012
ECN report number: Document type:
ECN-M--12-083 Conference Paper
Number of pages: Full text:
9 Download PDF  

Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) is one of the solutions that can significantly reduce CO2 during the transition from fossil fuel-based energy to an energy system based on renewable energy sources. Recent studies point out that sufficient storage capacity in saline aquifers and depleted gas fields is available to permanently store several decades worth of current CO2 emissions. Nevertheless, a significant hurdle for the post-demonstration phase of CCS development is the lack of proven and tested storage reservoirs. One of the goals of the EU FP7 SiteChar project is to develop an efficient site characterisation workflow, to support the development of the numerous storage sites that will be needed for large-scale deployment of CCS. The workflow is designed to address all aspects of safe and secure storage required by the EU Storage Directive. The links between the Storage Directive requirements and the site characterisation workflow are described in detail. The workflow is currently being applied to five sites suitable for CCS across Europe. A final version of the workflow will be published early 2014.

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