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ECN publication
Report on case analyses, success factors and best practices. S3C Deliverable 3.4.
Published by: Publication date:
ECN Policy Studies 14-5-2014
ECN report number: Document type:
ECN-O--14-062 Other
Number of pages: Full text:
102 Download PDF  

This deliverable describes the outcomes of the assessment of cause-impact relations, best practices, success factors and pitfalls, based on 32 in-depth case studies of the S3C Family of Projects. The investigated projects include a wide variety of smart energy projects in 15 different European countries, stretching from Portugal to Finland and from the UK to Slovenia. The main conclusion from the assessment of the case study data is that there is not one typical end user and therefore there is no single (set of) end user engagement strategies that can or should be applied to foster smart energy behaviour. Hence, context-sensitivity is the key to successful end user engagement. It is crucial for smart energy project managers to investigate the end users’ needs, expectations, worries and desires and the social, cultural, geographical contexts in which they find themselves. The outcomes from this task serve as input for WP4, which will translate the research findings into an online toolkit website, with actionable guidelines and tools for practitioners in the field of smart energy.

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