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ECN publication
IEA HIA Task 28: Large scale Hydrogen Delivery Infrastructure
Published by: Publication date:
ECN Policy Studies 1-12-2015
ECN report number: Document type:
ECN-L--15-083 Presentation
Number of pages: Full text:
20 Download PDF  

Presented at: World hydrogen Energy Convention 2015 (WHTC2015), Sydney, Australie, 13 October 2015.

This contribution to the WHTC 2015 presents the final results of an international working group in the field of hydrogen refueling infrastructure under the Hydrogen Implementing Agreement (HIA) of the International Energy Agency (IEA). Although there are still some technical issues to be solved, the Working Group concludes that the technology is basically ready for implementation. Market development rather than technology development is currently the bottleneck for introduction and roll-out of hydrogen mobility. The most important issue is the financial gap of the initial network of hydrogen refueling stations. This financial gap is due to high initial investment and operational costs and low initial capacity utilization as a result of an initially limited number of car-OEM that offer fuel cell cars, and the gradual uptake of cars by the market. Financing of the gap requires strong consortia of parties to share risks and costs, and support of governments with an interest in development of zero-emission mobility. Furthermore the Working Group stresses the importance of cooperation and coordination between all stakeholders, both private and public, and at national and international level. This is essential for the initiation process and early rollout to materialize succesfully.

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