ECN publication
Voorstel gecoördineerd onderzoekprogramma energie-opslag in vliegwielen. Projectvoorbereidingsgroep 'vliegwielen'.
Published by: Publication date:
ECN Policy Studies 1977
ECN report number: Document type:
ESC-1 ECN publication
Number of pages: Full text:
120 Download PDF  

A survey is given of technical and economic aspects of energy storage. It is concluded that application of mechanic and electric energy storage in the Netherlands is primarily restricted to electric power generation and to transportation. For both applications advanced batteries and flywheels turned out to be the main candidates for small to medium storage capacities. A comparison of flywheel systems and advanced hatteries shows that flywheels have a number of advantages, i.e. high round trip efficiency, large number of cycles, temperature independence, high discharge depth and (dis)charge speed. Moreover the industrial and scientific knowhow and competence in the Netherlands may favour an R&D programme on flywheels. Based on this view the proposed programme consists of two lines of approach. The first line concerns the integration of a commercial flywheel system within 5 years at different places in the electric network system. The cost of this development is estimated at Hfl 17,000,000. The programme will be executed by several companies, including the electric power industry, and will be managed by ECN. The second line of approach concerns an advanced flywheel programme consisting of optimisation of flywheel design and materials. It also comprises a systems analysis of the different aspects of energy storage in the Netherlands in relation to different conversion systems such as wind energy, total energy systems, combined heat and power supply, and solar energy. It is proposed to carry out the first phase of the development programme, for which Hfl 850,000 is required.

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