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ECN publication
The EU energy and environmental model EFOM-ENV specified in GAMS. Model description and user's guide.
Kruijk, H. de
Published by: Publication date:
ECN Policy Studies 1994
ECN report number: Document type:
ECN-C--94-021 ECN publication
Number of pages: Full text:
87 Download PDF  

EFOM-ENV (Energy Flow and Optimization Model - ENVironment) is an LP model which covers the complete energy system of a country. It is originally programmed in FORTRAN. At the moment the model is operational for all EU countries in projects commissioned by DG XII of the Commission of European Communities. A GAMS (General Algebraic Modelling System) version of EFOM-ENV has been developed in order to improve the userfriendliness, flexibility and portability. The modelling language GAMS is especially developed to handle this type of large and complicated models. EFOM-ENV/GAMS provides a clear model structure to organize the massive amount of data belonging to an energy system. The capabilities to change, check and evaluate data are extended. Finally the possibility to run EFOM-ENV in different places (computers) is increased, because GAMS can be applied on mainframes, workstations (UNIX) and personal computers (MS-DOS). EFOM-ENV/GAMS is implemented for the Netherlands, Poland, Czech Republic, and Slovakia. A Hungarian version is under development. This report is an update of the first EFOM-ENV/GAMS report [1], and contains a model description and a user’s manual.

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