Inherent veilige kenmerken van innovatieve kernreactoren [ECN-C--95-110]
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The added safety value of innovative or third generation reactor designshas been evaluated in order to determine the most suitable candidate for
Dutch government funded research and development support. To this end, four
innovative reactor concepts, viz. PIUS (Process Inherent Ultimate Safety),
PRISM (Power Reactor Innovative Small), HTR-M (High Temperature Reactor
Module) and MHTGR (Modular High Temperature Gas-cooled Reactor), have been
studied and their passive and inherent safety characteristics have been
outlined. Also the outlook for further technological and industrial
development has been considered. The results of the study confirm the
perspective of the innovative reactors for reduced dependence on active
safety provisions and for a further reduced vulnerability to technical
failures and human errors. The accident responses to generic accident
initiators, viz. reactivity and cooling accidents, and also to reactor
specific accidents show that neither active safety systems nor short term
operator actions are required for maintaining the reactor core in a
controlled and coolable condition. Whether this gives rise to a higher total
safety of the innovative reactor designs, compared to evolutionary or
advanced reactors, cannot be concluded. Supplementary experimental and
analytical analyses of reactor specific accidents are required to be able to
assess the safety of these innovative designs in a more quantitative manner.
It is believed that the safety case of innovative reactors, which are less
dependent on active safety systems, can be communicated with the general
public in a more transparent way. Considering the perspective for further
technological and industrial development it is not expected that any of the
considered innovative reactor concepts will become commercially available
within the next one to two decades. However, they could be made available
earlier if they would receive sufficient financial backing. Considering the
added safety perspectives of the considered innovative designs with passive
safety features and increased simplicity, the modular gas-cooled reactors
offer the best option for support. 5 figs., 4 tabs., 11 refs., 7 appendices
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