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ECN publication
Wind energy centre at Mithapur, Gujarat, India: technical report
Published by: Publication date:
ECN 1997
ECN report number: Document type:
ECN-C--97-046 ECN publication
Number of pages: Full text:
50 Download PDF  

The report describes the design and set-up of a Wind Energy Centre inGujarat. This Wind Energy Centre has to provide a reliable delivery of a range of development and technical quality assurance services to the wind energy industry in northern India. Infrastructural and organizational requirements of the centre have been defined as per the demands expressed by the industry. This include, site and land, building, equipment - hardware/software, manpower, etc. A suitable site has been identified on the western coast of Gujarat (in the vicinity of Mithapur). Based on the feedback from the industry and keeping in mind the possibilities and state-of-the-art followed in intemationally accepted centres, a range of activities including research and development, support to indigenisation, testing and certification, as well as training have been addressed. Facilities include the following: (1) Test site: test pads, building, roads, power collection system, meteo-towers etc; (2) Mobile test equipment: basic measurement sets, transportable meteo-towers, auxiliary equipment; and (3) Blade test facility: building, foundation, loading and measuring facilities. At full capacity the centre will employ approximately 20 people. 3 figs., 4 tabs.

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