ECN publication
Uitlooggedrag van organische verontreinigingen uit bouwmaterialen en afvalstoffen
Published by: Publication date:
ECN 1998
ECN report number: Document type:
ECN-C--98-019 ECN publication
Number of pages: Full text:
64 Download PDF  

Within the framework of the activities of the Dutch StandardizationCommittee 390011 on 'Leaching Behaviour of Construction Materials and Waste Materials' methods have been developed for leaching of organic contaminants. In the development phase the methods developed for inorganic constituents have been used as the basis. The specific properties and mechanisms of release of organic micropollutants have not been addressed sufficiently. In this study leaching experiments on a wide variety of materials have been evaluated on the basis of micropollutant solubility and interaction with the solid phase and dissolved organic matter. The latter property has never been measured in extracts from leaching tests. From this evaluation it can be concluded that water soluble organic micropollutants (e.g. light PAHs, phenols, low molecular fatty acids) can be tested with the existing procedures without too many problems. For organic micropollutants with a very low water solubility, the role of DOC (dissolved organic carbon) has not been taken into account sufficiently. The degree of DOC mobilization is more crucial in many situations than the analysis of individual organic micropollutants. For an evaluation of release to soil the chemical form is important as facilitated transport of micropollutants may lead to contamination at much larger distances than considered possible on the basis of individual material properties. Further work to clarify the role of DOC in leaching is recommended. 44 refs.

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