ECN publication
Co-gasification of coal and biomass in entrained-flow based IGCCs: technical, economic, environmental, and experimentally supported assessment of three concepts
Published by: Publication date:
ECN 1-10-1998
ECN report number: Document type:
ECN-C--98-060 ECN publication
Number of pages: Full text:
54 Download PDF  

The technical feasibility, economic profitability, and environmentalacceptability of co-gasification of biomass in coal-fired oxygen-blown entrained-flow based IGCCs is discussed. Comparing the required biomass contractability for power production purposes in the Netherlands of 24 PJ in 2000, 45 PJ in 2007, and 75 PJ in 2020, to meet the required renewable energy policy goal as defined by the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs in 1995, with the current (1997) amount of Dutch contractible organic waste streams available (30-35 PJ), it is concluded that growing of energy crops and/or import of biomass materials is insuperable in the near future (after 2000), to satisfy to the required total demand. Both a base-case coal-fired oxygen-blown entrained-flow based IGCC process - showing strong resemblance to the Puertollano IGCC plant (Spain) - and three co-gasification concepts, viz.: (1) a concept with separate dry coal and biomass feeding systems; (2) a concept with a combined dry coal/biomass-derived pyrolysis char feeding system; and (3) a concept with parallel biomass pre-treatment/gasification and combined fuel gas clean-up/power production, were defined for further consideration. 24 refs.

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