ECN publication
Report on the activities of the international consultant, prof. J. Slanina, in the project "Capacity development for NOx pollution control in Guiyang"
Published by: Publication date:
ECN 1-12-1998
ECN report number: Document type:
ECN-C--98-107 ECN publication
Number of pages: Full text:
64 Download PDF  

An evaluation was made by the IC of the objectives of the proposal, thedecisions taken during the last visit and whether the preliminary conclusions, drawn during in the first visit were supported by the additional information which was obtained. The acid deposition loads in Guizhou province near Guiyang are very high, as indicated by throughfall measurements of the Guiyang Environmental Research Institute (performed by Xiong Jiling) and PIAC PROJECT, (University of Oslo), Norway, and warrant immediate measures to monitor them and to control the emissions. The main reason that no severe effects have not yet been encountered seems to be in-situ neutralization of sulfuric acid by calcium carbonate dust, which is present in high concentrations in Guizhou province. Obviously, as reported already earlier, the ambient concentrations encountered in Guiyang were so high as directly endangering human health. A new emission inventory, describing a much larger area has been prepared. Measures taken in the past and future plans will indeed alleviate the air pollution problems considerably. As already stated, the plans for emission abatement are very good indeed, only care should be taken to implement the plans in such a way that transient environmental problems can be avoided e.g. by reducing dust loads before sulfur reduction takes place. The present plans for control of emissions, monitoring of deposition and occult deposition look fine and should ensure that the positive effects of emission abatement measures can be followed and optimized. The participants in this project have been confronted with very unexpected situations (very high deposition loads, unsuitable conditions for envisaged measurements etc.), see also the first report, but have managed to adapt the direction of their investigations in order to obtain the necessary results. refs.

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