ECN publication
Report on the activities of the international consultant, Prof. J. Slanina, in the project "Capacity development for NOx pollution control in Guangzhou"
Published by: Publication date:
ECN 1-12-1998
ECN report number: Document type:
ECN-C--98-108 ECN publication
Number of pages: Full text:
30 Download PDF  

The very fast economic growth of China in the last decade has led to anexponential increase of the number of cars and lorries and hence has introduced the well known air pollution problems of many cities elsewhere in the world. Very high NOx concentrations are being reached in Guangzhou up to 450 mug.m"-3, in fact the Dutch limit (hourly value, median concentration) is around 100 mug.m"-3. The same goes for CO, the limit there is set to 6 mg.m"-3 (98 percentile, 8 hours average). Values of 25 mg.m"-3 are reported for Dongfeng street in Guangzhou. In Guangzhou ozone concentrations are observed between 110 and 240 mug.m"-"1, leading to transgressions of 37%, 18 % and 8% of the Chinese Air Quality standards for class 1, class 2 and class 3 requirements respectively. Measurements of emissions of different car types and of the driving cycle, as specified by the proposal, have been carried out. The initial assessment of emissions in Guangzhou based on driving cycle and emission rates leads to the conclusion that 39,000 tons of NOx and 403,000 tons of CO are emitted. The stations to measure local air quality in Guangzhou are in place. Not only CO and NOx have been measured, but a number of other compounds too. Also a survey in main streets of Guangzhou was carried out. Average concentrations of 173 to 700 mug.m"-"1 NOx were found and 3 to 10 mg.m"-"1 CO. Measurements have been carried out to characterize dispersion of traffic emissions as a function of height. These measurements are very important because they offer insight in the dispersion parameters, necessary information to develop effective dispersion models. The ozone network has very effectively produced results indeed. The proof has been delivered that ozone in Guangzhou is not only produced by local emissions of VOC and NOx but that regional contributions are also very important. Further quantification of local and regional contributions will depend on more monitoring results and the use of models. The proposed measurements have been carried out with very good results and the collaboration of the three involved Chinese institutes has proven to be very effective. 5 refs.

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