ECN publication
Thermochemische route voor opslag en transport van warmte
Published by: Publication date:
ECN Energy Efficiency in Industry 1-2-1999
ECN report number: Document type:
ECN-C--99-012 ECN publication
Number of pages: Full text:
128 Download PDF  

The adoption of efficient heat storage and transport technologies canresult in savings of industrial energy consumption for heat and cold production. Heat transport is necessary in order to accommodate differences between the locations where heat is produced and where heat is required. Conventional heat transport systems, e.g. hot water district heating, suffer from sensible heat energy losses, require expensive insulation and are restricted in transport distance. An advanced system, e.g. via a thermochemical route, should involve minimum energy loss during transport since the sensible heat that is lost is only a minor amount compared to the energy content in the chemical bonds. There is no need for insulation and heat can be transported through simple ducts. A literature investigation of thermochemical reactions for heat transport has been performed and an evaluation shows that the isopropanol -> acetone hydrogen reaction is the most promising organic reaction in the 80-120C temperature range. A technical system study by means of ASPEN PLUS flowsheeting has been carried out for a 50 km heat transport distance and for several conditions (temperature, pressure). An optimal system has an enthalpy efficiency of 27 % and a COP of 5.1. However, an economical evaluation shows no advantage over conventional heat transport. A systematic study concerning alternative thermochemical reactions has yielded five candidate reactions in the liquid state, which need additional research. 10 refs.

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