ECN publication
Analyse meetresultaten PV-woningen te Heerhugowaard: periode 1992 - 1998
Published by: Publication date:
ECN Solar Energy 1-6-1999
ECN report number: Document type:
ECN-C--99-044 ECN publication
Number of pages: Full text:
30 Download PDF  

Of ten photovoltaic power supply systems on 10 single-family dwellings inHeerhugowaard, Netherlands, four are intensively monitored by the energy utility ENW. The measured results of the year 1992, 1993, 1994 and a part of 1998 were analyzed by ECN by order of ENW. In this report previously reported measured data of the first three years are summarized. The results of the period in 1998 are presented in detail. In the period 1992-1998 parts of strings failed. The SMA inverters, which were applied in the first few years showed a relatively low conversion efficiency. The present inverters (Victron and ASP) show a better conversion efficiency. The performance of the Maximum Power Point Trackers of the Victron inverters is not optimal for low solar radiation (up to 150-200 W/m2). The performance of the PV systems in 1998 has not improved compared to the performance in 1994. 7 refs.

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