ECN publication
Inventarisatie van normalisatie-activiteiten op het gebied van bouw- en afvalstoffen
Published by: Publication date:
ECN 1-7-1999
ECN report number: Document type:
ECN-C--99-055 ECN publication
Number of pages: Full text:
44 Download PDF  

The standardisation activities on leaching within CEN in the field ofenvironmental aspects of building materials, soil and waste materials is covered independently by different CEN Technical Committees. The study summarizes the current developments in the various Technical Committees in CEN on this topic. Developments have been identified, which upon implementation in European regulation are likely to come in conflict with current regulatory developments in the Netherlands. This is caused by the fact that a clear indication as to when to use what test and how the test relates to one another is not easy to give. Actions to arrive at horizontal coordination in the developments of standards in CEN is highly recommended to avoid unnecessary duplication of work. Recent studies dealing with comparison of test methods across different fields offer potential to move in this direction. In view of the different stages of development in the various TC's active participation with technical expertise can resolve a number of the observed potential problems. 11 refs

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