ECN publication
Case studies on energy conservation and employment in the Netherlands: subsidy on condensing boilers, subsidy on energy management systems and introduction of an Energy Performance Standard (EPN)
Published by: Publication date:
ECN Policy Studies 1-10-1999
ECN report number: Document type:
ECN-C--99-060 ECN publication
Number of pages: Full text:
45 Download PDF  

Three recent policy schemes for energy conservation in the Netherlandshave been studied to assess the quality and the size of their employment impacts. These are the subsidy for high-efficiency (HR) boilers in the context of the Environmental Action Plan (MAP), Energy Management Systems in the industrial sector as part of the subsidy program TIEB (Tender for Industrial Energy conservation), and the Energy Performance Standard EPN, a regulation that sets demands on the energy performance of new dwellings. Because figures on the employment impacts were not readily available all case studies have involved interviews to estimate these impacts and many assumptions had to be made for a quantitative assessment. Although no solid figure results on the exact number of jobs created, the studies do give an indication of the quantity of work involved and do provide insight in the nature of the employment generated and the skills required for the work that results from these energy conservation policies. 22 refs.

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