ECN publication
Warmte- en koudevraagpatronen in de utiliteitsbouw
Published by: Publication date:
ECN Solar Energy 1-9-1999
ECN report number: Document type:
ECN-C--99-067 ECN publication
Number of pages: Full text:
145 Download PDF  

Within the Heat Pump programme of the Netherlands Agency for Energy andthe Environment (Novem), a series of studies are being carried out to gain more insight into the technical and financial possibilities of the most promising configurations of heat pumps in various categories of utility buildings. More information about the nature of the heating and cooling demand now appears to be necessary for these analyses. The heating and cooling demand differs per utility category. This is true not only for the magnitude of the demand for heat or cold, but also for the distribution of the demand per day, month and/or year. Both the magnitude and the distribution of the demand are partially determined by the energetic quality of the building. This energetic quality is expressed as the energy performance coefficient (EPC). The purpose of this study is to determine the annual load curve for heating and cooling demand for different utility buildings, and to determine the effect of various measures that change the demand, on the course of the curve. The study focused on new buildings in the following categories: office buildings, health-care buildings, swimming pools, schools, conference buildings, and sports buildings. It appears that the pattern of use of the building is a determining factor for the course of the annual load curve for both heating and cooling demand. The curve for a building with longer periods of usage (for example a conference building) is different from a building with shorter or shifted periods of usage. 4 refs.

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