ECN publication
Verbetering van emissie-depositie-relaties voor stikstofverbindingen: ECN-bijdrage aan het Stikstofonderzoekprogramma (STOP)
Published by: Publication date:
ECN 1-10-1999
ECN report number: Document type:
ECN-C--99-080 ECN publication
Number of pages: Full text:
34 Download PDF  

The Dutch National Nitrogen Research Program (STOP, abbreviated in Dutch)started in 1997. The purpose of STOP was a further scientific foundation of the current (and future) policy concerning the nitrogen problem. Furthermore, it was important to develop a general method for different areas in the Netherlands to be applied for risk evaluation and scenario studies. Two research lines were followed: (1) region-oriented differentiation of the critical load value for nature; and (2) improvement of the emission-deposition modelling. In this report the results of the project activities of ECN are presented. These results are used to obtain integral outcomes for STOP. The tasks of ECN Concerned the long term deposition monitoring, the coordination and execution of gradient measurements, plume measurements and concentration measurements of ammonia during intensive measuring campaigns in the region the Driesprong, near Ede, Netherlands. 5 refs.

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