ECN publication
Development of an automated method for on-line aerosol analyses in the large simulation chambers at FZ-Jülich based on the ECN steam jet aerosol collection method
Published by: Publication date:
ECN 1-11-1999
ECN report number: Document type:
ECN-C--99-089 ECN publication
Number of pages: Full text:
14 Download PDF  

In 1998 and 1999 both ECN, Netherlands, and FZ-Juelich, Germany, wereinvolved in the European study called HECONOS. During this study ECN equipment was successfully used to measure the chemical composition of aerosols in the simulation chamber at FZ-Juelich. For future studies and projects, FZ-Juelich felt a necessity to own and run such equipment themselves. This resulted in a commission for the ECN Environmental Analysis and Technology department to make a study of developing such equipment for use at the simulation chambers at FZ-Juelich. The study was divided into four parts: (1) Adaptation of the ECN Steam Jet Aerosol Collector for large simulation chambers; (2) Conception and investigation of a time-integrating transfer method to instruments for chemical analysis of the aerosol (ion chromatography, HPLC); (3) Development of an automated control strategy for on-line sampling and analysis of aerosols; and (4) Feasibility study on a small model scale. The method to be developed should have a detection limit of 0.5 mug/m3 Nitrate or Nitrite aerosol in the presence of 3000 mug/m3 Sulphate aerosol using an air sample flow rate of 20 I/min., at 15 minutes time resolution. The results of the study are presented in this report. lt is concluded that it is possible to build a system suitable for aerosol measurements at Juelich. The necessary parts and software were further developed and tested and an outline of the system is produced. 2 refs.

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