ECN publication
Report on the activities in 1999 of the international consultant, Prof. J. Slanina, in the project "Capacity development for NOx pollution control in Guangzhou"
Published by: Publication date:
ECN 1-12-1999
ECN report number: Document type:
ECN-C--99-098 ECN publication
Number of pages: Full text:
22 Download PDF  

In order to guarantee that emission abatement measures are effective,optimized in terms of benefits versus costs and have a long lasting effect a number of important questions must be addressed in the title project: Objective 1 is the assessment of NOx emissions, especially from vehicles and the impact on air quality in Guangzliou, China. The related activities concern Data on traffic characteristics and vehicle emission; Staff training and data collection; Investigation of emission factors and driving cycles; Identification of necessary additional measurements (for emission of cars); Collection on all NOx emissions in the city; Establishment of a source inventory and database; and Assessment of the impact of vehicle and other NOx emissions on air quality. Objective 2 is formulated as Integrated policy guidance to the Guangzliou Municipal Government on control of vehicular NOx emissions. Here, the related activities are Evaluation of inspection/maintenance standards and emission standards; Evaluation of traffic management measures; Prediction of NOx levels and photochemical smog as a function of different traffic pollution control scenarios; Regulatory framework; and Municipal Environmental capability strengthening for NOx control. These objectives and their specific points encompass an enormous large subject area. It would seem impossible to address all these problems simultaneously. On the other hand, European and US experiences have taught us that it is absolutely necessary to address all these aspects more or less together, otherwise sub-optimal solutions are applied with grave consequences for the environment. 12 refs.

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