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ECN publication
Milieukosten van genomen besparingsmaatregelen
Published by: Publication date:
ECN Policy Studies 1-3-2000
ECN report number: Document type:
ECN-C--00-045 ECN publication
Number of pages: Full text:
95 Download PDF  

The standardised method for calculating the costs of environmentalmeasures in the Netherlands has been updated in 1998 (see report: 'Costs and benefits in environmental policy, definitions and computational methods'). One of the updates is the incorporation of selected savings measures, including sustainable options, in end-use sectors. The costs of saving measures are partly or wholly compensated by the benefits, in the form of lower expenses for energy carriers. The cost/benefit ratio is used, among other criteria, to depict a saving measure as an environmental measure. This report describes how to find figures for costs, savings and penetration growth of saving measures, how to select them and how to calculate the total environmental costs of these saving measures. Another question to be answered encompasses the costs and benefits of all saving measures, including that of non-environmental saving measures. Finally, an outline for a structural monitoring activity in this field is given. For the household and service sectors a quantitative analysis for the year 1998 has resulted in an overview of the costs and benefits per saving measure, the total environmental costs and the total costs and benefits of all saving measures. A spreadsheet with all figures and calculations has been drawn up. For the industry and agriculture sectors a qualitative analysis has resulted in guidelines how to modify the existing survey on environmental costs, to get figures on costs and benefits of saving measures. The Central Bureau of Statistics in the Netherlands will execute the new survey. During the analysis a number of problems has been encountered in finding data, selecting measures and calculating total costs. To cope with these problems, a number of general long term actions and a number of specific short term measures has been proposed in a so called plan of action as an aid to future activities. 50 refs.

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