Effect energiebesparingsbeleid CO2-emissies 1990-2000
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Policy Studies
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In this study, the effects of and environmental policy and climate changepolicy on the development of greenhouse gasses in 2000 is estimated.
The study is conducted by the Energy research Centre of the NetherÃands
(ECN), department of Policy Studies, and the National Institute of Public
Health and the Environment (RIVM). Policy instruments generally have
the aim to promote the market penetration of energy saving options or
options that mitigate impact on the environment. Without these policy
instruments, the saving options will also penetrate the market, but
in genera1 in a lower speed. In order to make an estimate of the policy
impact on the development of the emission of greenhouse gasses, usually
an estimate has to be made of the market situation without environmental
and climate change policy. It should be noted that in this approach
relative large uncertainties are involved. When possible, the effects
of environmental and climate change policy are estimated per policy
instrument. However, in some cases, the effects of a set of policy instruments
can not be estimated on individual basis, due to interactions between
these policy instruments.
As a result of environmental and climate change policy in the period
1990-2000, total CO2-emissions have decreased by about 14 Mton in the
year 2000. The total reduction of non-CO2-gasses amounts to approximately
13 Mton. The total reduction of greenhouse gasses, as a result of policy
instruments, of about 27 Mton is well over 10% of the total emission
of greenhouse gasses in the Netherlands in the year 2000. Especially
policy instruments aimed at reducing emissions of fluorine gasses (6.5
Mton CO2-eq.), CHP-policy (4.2 Mton CO2) as well as policy instruments
in residential and commercial buildings (3.6 Mton CO2), industry (3.2
Mton CO2) and waste dumps (4 Mton CO2-eq.) have had major impacts on
greenhouse gas emissions.
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