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ECN publication
Ontwikkeling energiegebruik HIC Rotterdam 2002-2020 bij lopend beleid
Published by: Publication date:
ECN Policy Studies 1-12-2003
ECN report number: Document type:
ECN-C--03-093 ECN publication
Number of pages: Full text:
41 Download PDF  

The objective of this study is to sketch the business as usual developmentof energy production and consumption in the Rotterdam Harbour and Industrial Complex (HIC) in the period 2002-2020. Four industrial sectors have been investigated covering about 80% of all energy use in the HIC: refineries, chemical industry, utility industry (esp. joint venture CHP) and the electricity and district heating industry. Total CO2 emissions in 2002 amount to 20.3 Mtonnes. The combination of new industrial activity and extension of existing activities are expected to result in an increase until 27.1 Mtonnes CO2 emissions in 2010 and a further increase up to 31.3 Mtonnes in 2020. These figures include both energy efficiency improvements, an increased use of CHP and a growing role of the HIC as net electricity exporter. Results of the report are used to develop a vision of future energy use in the HIC and to identify options for further CO2 reduction measures.

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