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ECN publication
Zeker weten!? Aanzet tot het bewuster omgaan met onzekerheden in beleidsrelevante studies van ECN
Published by: Publication date:
ECN Policy Studies 1-12-2003
ECN report number: Document type:
ECN-I--03-004 ECN publication
Number of pages: Full text:
73 Download PDF  

Dealing with uncertainty is essential for policy studies not only fromthe more scientific point of view but also in order to provide solid policy advice. This report reviews briefly: (1) relevant aspects, methods and frameworks for dealing with uncertainties; (2) the practices of the ECN Policy Studies unit in dealing with uncertainties in its work and studies. The review was in-tended to make the researchers aware of the importance of dealing explicitly and systematically with uncertainties and to provide a basis for recommendations and tools to improve the current practices. The review was conducted in 2000. It then resulted in a draft guideline for dealing with uncertainties, a tool originally intended for ECN use only. Because the ECN review and guidelines attracted attention from colleague researchers at other institutes, it was decided to publish the guideline, which is now in its 3rd version. This version incorporates the experience from using the guideline in the years 2000 and 2001, and feedback from ?uncertainty? research-ers at some of these other institutes.

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