ECN publication
National policies concerning eco-industrial parks in Europe
Published by: Publication date:
ECN Energy in the Built Environment 1-6-2004
ECN report number: Document type:
ECN-C--04-061 ECN publication
Number of pages: Full text:
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Ecopadev is the name of a project of the European Commission withinthe programme of "Energy, environment and sustainable development", key aspect 4: City of tomorrow and the cultural heritage. The project seeks to promote a change in urban planning policy of industrial and business areas, to reach greater sustainability, improve quality of life and enhance eco-efficiency, by the development of a decision-making tool and methodology based on Eco-industrial parks development strategy. Almost 80% of European inhabitants live in urban areas and are, therefore, affected by the quality of living conditions in cities. The continuous economic expansion has produced many problems related to unsuitable planning of cities. Important topics are: Industrial areas surrounded by residential areas, Traffic congestion, Unsuitable environmental management, Lack of data for decision making by local authorities, Energy consumption and Social problems like unemployment due to the change of economical activities, from primary industry to services, etc. Institutes of five European countries are working together to gather data of successful examples of sustainable industrial parks in order to disseminate and apply knowledge about the above-mentioned items. The Energy Research Centre of the Netherlands (ECN) is one of the participating institutes. ECN has, in co-operation with Ingenieurbüro Dr.-Ing. W. Trinius, contacted local authorities and industrial parks to exchange experiences about the subject. The following report will give you the results of this inventory with respect to national policies. The national policies have been studied by means of a questionnaire, which is added as an annex to this report. A selection of countries with most detailed information about eco-industrial parks policy has been made. The data of the following countries are described in this report: · Finland · Germany · Portugal · The Netherlands

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