ECN publication
Status review on membrane systems for hydrogen separation
Published by: Publication date:
ECN 1-12-2004
ECN report number: Document type:
ECN-C--04-102 ECN publication
Number of pages: Full text:
29 Download PDF  

This report summarizes the state of the art of membrane techniques forseparation of hydrogen from other gases, for application within IGCC-processes fuelled with refinery residuals and biomass. Although the number of hydrogen selective membrane applications is currently still rather limited, research is performed to increase the range of applications. The properties of the flow to be separated are the starting point to select a suitable membrane. For a preliminary choice of a membrane type, the operating temperature ranges can be used, although the feed composition and cost should also be taken into account. Once the membrane is selected, a membrane module can be chosen or designed taking into account considerations such as manufacturability, maintainability, operability, efficiency, membrane deterioration, and costs. Modules can be combined to form stages. By combining multiple stages and adding features, a range of membrane systems can be designed. This versatility greatly adds to the attractiveness of membrane systems.

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